Wow your friends at your next BBQ with this Mushroom and Chicken Blended Burger recipe. Mixing mushrooms with mince is a great way to boost the nutrition value of family favorites and increasing the umami meaty flavour.
This first step is optional. You can add the finely diced mushrooms to the mince raw, however if you want to unlock more of the umami flavour of the mushrooms, you can brown them first.
Heat half the oil in a large non-stick frying pan over high heat. Add mushrooms and cook, stirring often, for 8 minutes or until the mushrooms are golden. Set aside to cool for 10 minutes.
Combine mushrooms, chicken mince, green onions, egg, breadcrumbs and parsley in a bowl. Season well with salt and plenty of pepper, mix well to combine. Shape the mixture into 4 patties.
Heat remaining oil in a large non-stick frying pan over medium heat, alternately preheat barbecue flat plate on medium. Add the patties and cook, for 4 minutes on each side or until just cooked through.
Spread the bun bases with dijonnaise, top with tomato, salad leaves and chicken pattie. Serve.
Wow your friends at your next BBQ with this Mushroom and Chicken Blended Burger recipe. Mixing mushrooms with mince is a great way to boost the nutrition value of family favorites and increasing the umami meaty flavour.
This first step is optional. You can add the finely diced mushrooms to the mince raw, however if you want to unlock more of the umami flavour of the mushrooms, you can brown them first.
Heat half the oil in a large non-stick frying pan over high heat. Add mushrooms and cook, stirring often, for 8 minutes or until the mushrooms are golden. Set aside to cool for 10 minutes.
Combine mushrooms, chicken mince, green onions, egg, breadcrumbs and parsley in a bowl. Season well with salt and plenty of pepper, mix well to combine. Shape the mixture into 4 patties.
Heat remaining oil in a large non-stick frying pan over medium heat, alternately preheat barbecue flat plate on medium. Add the patties and cook, for 4 minutes on each side or until just cooked through.
Spread the bun bases with dijonnaise, top with tomato, salad leaves and chicken pattie. Serve.