AMGA Media Releases and Press
- 2024 -
Feb 16: EDM (MU0003) - How to cater to plant-based dietary preferences
Feb 7: PRESS RELEASE (MU0003) - Munch on mushrooms to boost vitamin D intake
Jan 30: ARTICLE (MU0003) - News of the area_‘Mushrooms On The Menu’ Study Launches At Shoreline Coffs Harbour
Jan 29: ARTICLE (MU0003) - Hello Care_There’s “mush-room” for aged care menus to up vitamin D intake through Funghi
Jan 25: ARTICLE (MU0003) - Coffs Coast
Jan 25: ARTICLE (MU0003) - Aged Health_Why mushrooms are key to aged care nutrition
Jan 22: ARTICLE (MU0003) - Food Processing_Improving vitamin D intake in aged care
Jan 20: ARTICLE (MU0003) - Bnn Breaking Innovative Study Introduces Mushroom-Based Menu to Improve Vitamin D Intake in Aged Care Residents
Jan 19: SOCIAL MEDIA (MU0003) - The Shoreline Facebook Page
Jan 19: ARTICLE (MU0003) - Inside Ageing Mushrooms on the menu study to enhance Vitamin D and nutrition in aged care
Jan 18: PRESS RELEASE (MU0003) - Mushrooms to boost aged care nutrition
- 2023 -
Sep 28: ARTICLE - Forks Sake_A Fungi Affair: Melbourne's Debut Mushroom Festival
Sep 26: ARTICLE - Eat Drink Play_Mushroom Mania: The Unexpected Star of Melbourne’s Food Scene
Sep 24: ARTICLE - Herald Sun_Why mushies need an image makeover after deadly lunch
Sep 23: ARTICLE - Mushroom Festival to be held three months after suspected death cap poisoning
Sep 23: ARTICLE - The Australian_Inaugural Mushroom Festival to be held three months after suspected death cap poisoning
Sep 22: ARTICLE - Daily Mail_How deadly death cap lunch has slowed down mushroom sales in Australia
Sep 22: ARTICLE - PIlbara News_Inaugural Mushroom Festival to be held three months after suspected death cap poisoning
Sep 22: ARTICLE - The West Australian_Inaugural Mushroom Festival to be held three months after suspected death cap poisoning
Sep 22: ARTICLE - South Western Times_Inaugural Mushroom Festival to be held three months after suspected death cap poisoning
Sep 20: ARTICLE - Weekend Notes_What's On at Queen Victoria Market - Spring 2023
Spring: ARTICLE (MU0003) - Mushroom Link - Mushrooms on the menu at Mater Hospital
June 14: EDM (MU0003) - Food industry professionals: Are you making the most of mushrooms?
May 23: EDM (MU0003) - Getting the vitamin D you need?
May 10: ARTICLE - Food Mag Mushroom growers call on food industry for nutrition knowledge
May 10: ARTICLE - Bean Sceane_Australian Mushrooms calls on food professionals to help solve nutritional problems
May 1: ARTICLE - Food Processing_More to mushrooms: nutritional benefits discovered
April 27: ARTICLE - Food Mag_Much more to mushrooms than taste
April 26: PRESS RELEASE (MU0003) - Much more to mushrooms than taste
April 7: RECIPE - Kidspot_Nonna's beef and mushroom meatballs with spaghetti
April 4: ARTICLE - Body & Soul The science-backed ways mushrooms can help boost your immunity
Mar 1: ARTICLE - Fruit and Vegetable News_
Feb 24: ARTICLE (MU0003) - Food Processing_ Getting mushrooms on the menu to help improve health
Feb 18: ARTICLE - Queenland Country and Life_Hope put in mushrooms to help food industry nutrition gap
Feb 15: ARTICLE - Food Tech_Making Room for Mushrooms
Feb 6: ARTICLE - Mamamia_As a flexitarian...
Feb 6: RECIPE - Prevention Magazine_Chicken & Mushroom Blended Vietnamese Patties with Vermicelli Salad
Feb 6: ARTICLE- Prevention Magazine_3 Benefits Of Mushrooms (And 3 Tasty Recipes To Get More In Your Diet
Feb 1: ARTICLE - Broadsheet BE A Blenditarian and WIN
- 2022 -
Spring: ARTICLE (MU0003) - Mushroom Link - Adding mushrooms to the menu: what are the opportunities?
Winter: ARTICLE (MU0003) - Mushroom Link - Improving the food industry menu with mushrooms
May 6: BLOG POST - Dr Joanna - Mushroom Strudel promotion.
May 4: ARTICLE - Gluten Free Foodie - Mother's Day recipe feature.
Apr 27: MEDIA RELEASE - Mushrooms for mum this Mother's Day.
Apr 27: MEDIA RELEASE (MU0003)- Mushroom growers call on food industry professionals to share nutrition knowledge
Apr 26: EDM (MU0003)- Hospitality Magazine - Mushroom survey for food and health professionals.
Apr 19: ARTICLE - The Senior - Mushrooms good for your brain as well as your tummy.
Apr 07: RADIO INTERVIEW - AMGA Dietitian Jane Freeman speaks to JOY 94.9 FM's Em & Warren for World Health Day.
Apr 03: ARTICLE - Allied Magazine - New research links mushrooms & brain health.
Mar 30: MEDIA RELEASE - World Health Day - New research links mushrooms & brain health.
Mar 17: MEDIA RELEASE - Simple way for seniors to strengthen immunity.
Feb 18: ARTICLE (MU0003) - Good Fruit & Vegetables - Hope put in mushrooms to help food industry nutrition gaps.
Feb 18: PRESS RELEASE (MU0003) - New research looks to mushrooms to solve nutrition problems.
Feb 16: MEDIA RELEASE - Supercharge your child’s lunchbox to support immunity.
Feb 15: ARTICLE - Inside FMCG - Mushroom growers launch consumer campaign with chef Adrian Richardson.
Jan 26: ARTICLE - The Young Witness - Mushroom growers group enlist Adrian Richardson to promote meat and mushroom blending.
Jan 26: ARTICLE - Ultra 106five - The Blenditarian Movement.
Jan 26: ARTICLE - The Land - Mushroom growers group enlist Adrian Richardson to promote meat and mushroom blending.
Jan 26: ARTICLE - Good Fruits & Veg - Mushroom growers group enlist Adrian Richardson to promote meat and mushroom blending.
Jan 22: ARTICLE - The Senior - Celebrity Chef Adrian Richardson: beef up mine with mushrooms.
Jan 14: ARTICLE - Produce Plus - Adrian Richardson supports AMGA Campaign.
Jan 11: MEDIA RELEASE - Celebrity Chef Adrian Richardson calling on Aussies to be Blenditrians.
Jan 7: ARTICLE - Why a Mushroom + Mine Blend is on Trend.
- 2021 -
Nov 29: MEDIA RELEASE - Celebrity Chef Adrian Richardson calling on Aussies to be Blenditrians
Nov 11: ARTICLE & YOUTUBE VIDEO: Food Matters - Sunbaking Mushrooms for vitamin D
Oct 15: RADIO INTERVIEW - AMGA Dietitian Jane Freeman speaks on Perth's 6PR with Gareth Parker for Breakfast.
Oct 14: RADIO INTERVIEW - AMGA Dietitian Jane Freeman and Communications Manager Leah Bramich speak on Melbourne's Plenty Valley FM with Matt Christie.
Oct 13: MEDIA RELEASE - Celebrating National Mushroom Day with NEW "Mighty" Mushroom Research"
August 16: MEDIA RELEASE - Burnside Primary Students attend mushroom farm tour VIRTUALLY
July 22: MEDIA RELEASE - Sun-Tanned Mushrooms - The Natural and Unique Way to Support Immunity
May 31: MEDIA RELESE - Australias Best Mushroom Pie Announced
- 2020 -
Dec 18: MEDIA RELEASE - The Mushroom (Agaricus) Industry Levy Stays
May 7: MEDIA RELEASE - Mighty Mushrooms: The Immunity Boost you Need this Winter