TEST 2023 SCHOOL APPLICATION First Name * Last Name * School Office Phone Number * Email Address * School Name * School Address * Suburb * State * Postcode * The lesson plans the AMGA provide are designed for years 3 and 4 and linked to the Australian Curriculum. What grade do you teach? * Number of students * Can you commit to the program for the whole of term three? * Select Yes No Have you participated in the Mushrooms in School Program in previous years? * Select Yes No Please tell us why you would like to be involved: This program requires you to harvest and cook the mushrooms with your students. Do you have kitchen facilities at your school that your class can use, or another alternative? * Evaluating the success of our program and proving evidence that students’ knowledge of mushrooms (fungi) has increased is imperative for AMGAs future funding of this free program. Are you prepared to take part in the Student Survey’s, and Teachers Survey pre and post campaign (surveys take 5-mins each)? * Select Yes No