Slice the button mushrooms on a chopping board.
Slice the spring onion into suitable lengths for skewers using both the whites and greens.
Soak the wooden skewers in water
Alternate with sliced mushroom and spring onion on the skewers ready to glaze.
Lay the mushrooms skewers flat on a chopping board ready for glazing.
Brush both sides of the skewers lightly with the yakitori sauce.
Keep the remaining sauce for glazing on the Weber Q.
Set your Weber Q to high and allow to preheat for 5 minutes.
Gently place the mushrooms skewers flat on the grill and allow to cook with the lid closed for 4-5 minutes.
Flip the mushrooms skewers over and generously glaze with the excess yakitori sauce.
After a further 4 minutes the mushrooms should be soft and caramelized.
Remove from the barbecue.
Serve straight on to a plate and sprinkle white sesame seeds over top.
Never wash or peel your mushrooms.
Simply brush off any excess dirt or grit.
Slice the button mushrooms on a chopping board.
Slice the spring onion into suitable lengths for skewers using both the whites and greens.
Soak the wooden skewers in water
Alternate with sliced mushroom and spring onion on the skewers ready to glaze.
Lay the mushrooms skewers flat on a chopping board ready for glazing.
Brush both sides of the skewers lightly with the yakitori sauce.
Keep the remaining sauce for glazing on the Weber Q.
Set your Weber Q to high and allow to preheat for 5 minutes.
Gently place the mushrooms skewers flat on the grill and allow to cook with the lid closed for 4-5 minutes.
Flip the mushrooms skewers over and generously glaze with the excess yakitori sauce.
After a further 4 minutes the mushrooms should be soft and caramelized.
Remove from the barbecue.
Serve straight on to a plate and sprinkle white sesame seeds over top.
Never wash or peel your mushrooms.
Simply brush off any excess dirt or grit.